序号 | 检验类别 | 检验领域 |
01 | 农业和农产品 Agriculture and agricultural products)
| 0100 其他(Other) 0101 家畜(Livestock) 0102 肉制品(Meat products) 0103 牛奶和奶制品(Milk and dairy products) 0104 谷类(Crops) 0105 粮食制品(Grain products) 0106 羊毛(Wool) 0107 水产品(seafood) 0108 蔬菜(vegetable) |
02 | 工业机械设备 (Industrial equipment and machinery)
| 0200 其他(Other) 0201 压力设备(Pressure equipment) 0202 起重机、电梯、传输机、吊车(Cranes, elevators, conveyors and lifting gear) 0203 农业设备、矿业设备、地面运输设备(Agricultural, mining and earthmoving equipment) 0204 工业机械(Industrial machinery) 0205 发电机、发动机及相关设备(Electric generators, motors and related equipment) 0206 涂装和腐蚀设备(Coatings and corrosion) |
03 | 制成品 (Manufactured goods)
| 0300 其他(Other) 0301 装配金属件及产品(Fabricated metal components and products) 0302 模压聚合物和复合物(Moulded polymers and composites) 0303 电器和电器产品(Electrical and electronic products ,including Electromagnetic compatibility and Electrical safety) 0304 食品和饮料(Food and beverages) 0305 纺织和纺织品(Textiles and textile products) 0306 耐火材料和陶瓷制品(Refractories and ceramics) 0307 木制品(Timber products) |
04 | 天然资源和精加工产品 (Natural resources and refined products) | 0400 其他(Other) 0401 矿石和矿物(Ores and minerals) 0402 精矿和金属(Ore concentrates and metals) 0403煤和焦碳(Coal and coke) 0404 天然气、石油和石化产品(Gas, petroleum and petrochemical products) 0405木材(Timber) |
05 | 工商业建筑及维护(Industrial and commercial construction and maintenance)
| 0500 其他(Other) 0501 采矿和矿石加工设备(Mining and mineral processing plant) 0502 化学和石化加工设备(Chemical and petrochemical processing plant) 0503发电设备(Power generation plant) 0504 电力传输设施(Power transmission plant) 0505 管线(Pipelines) 0506 温控及配套设施(Temperature control and associated plant) 0507 涂装和腐蚀(Coatings and corrosion) |
06 | 建筑物的建造和维护 (Building construction and maintenance)
| 0600 其他(Other) 0601 商用建筑(commercial buildings) 0602 民用建筑(Residential buildings) 0603 道路及配套工程(Roads and associated works) 0604 桥梁(Bridge) 0605 温控室及配套设施(Temperature control and associated plant ) 0606 涂装和腐蚀(Coatings and corrosion) 0607 建筑产品(Building products) |
07 | 运输 (Transport)
| 0700 其他(Other) 0701 航空(Aviation) 0702 公路(Road) 0703 铁路(Rail) 0704 海运鉴定和海洋适航性(Marine surveying and seaworthiness) 0705 货物鉴定(Cargo verification) |
08 | 旅游设施 (Tourism accommodation)
| 0800 其他(Other) 0801 旅馆和汽车旅馆设施(Hotel and motel accommodation) 0802 公寓,服务公寓,假日旅店和别墅( Apartments, serviced apartments, holiday unites and cottages) 0803 床和早餐,客房和私人旅馆( Bed and breakfast, guest houses and private hotels) 0804 旅游地设施(Resort accommodation) 0805停车场设施(Park accommodation) |
09 | 工厂检验 (factory inspection) | 0900 其他(Other) 0901 初次检验(Initial factory inspection ) 0902 跟踪检验( follow-up factory inspection) |
10 | 健康检验 (health inspection) | 1000 其他(Other) 1001 人(human) 1002 动物(animal) |
11 | 技术法规检验(Technical regulation inspection) | 1100 其他(Other) 1101 技术法规的符合性检验(Technical regulation inspection)
12 | 信息技术 (IT products and services)
| 1200 其他(other) 1201 硬件(hardware) 1202 软件(software) 1203 信息系统(information system) 1204 服务(IT services) |
13 | 环境及环保产品(Environment and Environmental protection products) | 1300 其他(Other) 1301 环境(Environment) 1302 环保产品(Environmental protection products)
99 | 其他(Other) |